Fitness Tests are groups of assessments that present a complete picture of your Clients’ current fitness level and provide an objective baseline for goal setting and program design. They also provide you with a great way to prove to your client that you’re delivering the results they’re paying for.
Each TrainerMetrics account allows you to create 5 pre-made Fitness Tests. Simply select which Assessments you want to include and they'll be included in the default choices your staff will see in each Client's testing screen.
These pre-made tests allow you to ensure each Client is receiving a standard level of treatment and to provide you with an easy way to ensure their training suits their Goals and fitness level. For example, a Fitness Test focused on stabilization would be appropriate for a de-conditioned client who has biomechanical imbalances, poor core stabilization, and limited cardiovascular capacity.
A Fitness Test focused on stabilization could include assessments such as:
- Weight
- Circumference Measurements
- NASM’s Overhead Squat Assessment or FMS’s movement screens
- YMCA’s Sit & Reach
- VO2Max via the 1 Mile Walk test
- Max Time Plank
As the Client's fitness improves and their testing needs evolve you can always change which Assessments are used by selecting "Update Metrics" on that Client's Testing screen and updating which Assessments to use.
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